Getting Started with LCFS

Step 1
Legal Documents
There are two signing documents required to signup with ECT for management of LCFS credits. One registration document signals to CARB that ECT has been appointed to manage client fuel pathways. The second defines the relationship and responsibilities between ECT and our client organization.

Step 2
Fleet Equipment Data
ECT collects fleet asset data. The fleet data required includes model and serial numbers for lift trucks, batteries, and chargers. This fleet data becomes the basis for credit generation. After the initial data collection ECT will check in with client representatives at the end of each quarter to determine if there have been any changes to the fleet.

The Outcome:
Revenue Generation
After the two sign-up steps above are complete, ECT takes over the process of generating and monetizing LCFS credits. Clients receive a quarterly report after credits are sold detailing the value transacted, and the client share of revenue. Revenue distribution accompanies the quarterly report in the form of either a check or wire transfer.
Don't Wait for Next Quarter!
This program is scheduled to be in effect through 2030, with a progressively declining target emission rate per unit of energy. Charger "fuel pathway" registration takes place quarterly, and the subsequent review and credit allocation takes place over the following quarter. Register as soon as possible to get the most from California's LCFS credit program!